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There is a Premium Blogger template that you can download for FREE.

Simplify 2

Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, Simplify 2 merupakan salah satu template premium yang dibuat oleh Arlina Design. Template ini telah populer dan sudah banyak kawan blogger yang menggunakan template yang satu ini.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, Simplify 2 is one of the premium templates created by Arlina Design . This template has been popular and many blogger friends have used this one theme.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google PageSpeed Insights Cek
Google Testing Tool Validator (Index) Cek
Google Testing Tool Validator (Item) Cek
SEO Friendly
Personal Blog
2 Column
Main Navigation
Auto Readmore
Unlimited Page Numbered
Back to Top Button
Footer Menu
Featured Posts
News Ticker
Newsletter Widget
Related Posts
Sitemap Widget
Contact Form Widget

Detail Information
Author Arlina Design
Update 2019/-
Version -
Buy - $7.69
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See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Masign Grid

Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, Pada kesempatan kali ini, lagi-lagi saya akan membagikan template premium design Material, yaitu Masign Grid. Hampir sama seperti template yang saya upload kemarin, perbedaanya tidak jauh, seperti pada bagian navbar.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, On this occasion, I will again share the Material premium design template, namely Masign Grid. Almost the same as the template I uploaded yesterday, the difference is not far away, as in the Navbar section.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Optimization
Support Update
Material Design Effect
Grid Post Homepage
Slide Menu Navigation
Top Menu Navigation
Social Media in Header
Search Box with Effect
Footer 3 Column
Ads Ready
Multi Tabs Sidebar Widget
Recent Comments
Share Button
Multi Author Box
Related Posts
Material Design Threaded Comments
Subscribe Widget
Back To Top
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Rhinokage Rio
Update 2016/05/25
Version -
Buy - Rp. 70.000,-
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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VioMagz Redesign

Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, VioMagz versi terbaru yaitu VioMagz versi 3.1 yang baru di update pada tahun 2019, Sebenar nya template ini adalah template berbayar seharga 150 ribu rupiah, tapi buatkalian yang ingin mencoba merasakan menggunakan template blogger premium super seo dan enteng ini, admin akan memberikan nya dengan gratis.
English - Hello friend BlackSweet, the latest version of VioMagz is VioMagz version 3.1 which was updated in 2019, actually this template is a paid template worth 150 thousand rupiahs, but for those who want to try to use this super seo and light blogger premium template, the admin will give it's free.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
SEO Friendly
Responsive Ads
Menggunakan Schema Markup
Icon Menggunakan Font Awesome
Auto Readmore
Breadcrumb Navigation
Widget Related Posts
Tombol Berbagi Responsive Keren
Numbered Page Navigation
Back to Top Button
Custom Error page
Tanpa Link Credit
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Mas Sugeng
Designer Blacksweet
Update 2019/-
Version 3.1.0
Buy - Rp. 170.000,-
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, Ijonkz adalah template blogger dengan tata letak Responsive dan memiliki dua style yaitu Boxed dan Full Width. Template Blogger ini User-friendly, desainnya sederhana dan bersih dan sempurna untuk website Berita, Majalah, atau portofolio. Dengan kombinasi warna yang menarik dan terkesan profesional dan memiliki banyak fitur.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, Ijonkz is a blogger template with a Responsive layout and has two styles, Boxed and Full Width. This Blogger template is user-friendly, the design is simple and clean and perfect for News, Magazine, or portfolio websites. With attractive color combinations and professional impressions and many features.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Friendly
Responsive Ads
Newsticker Widget
Drop Menu
Multiple Comment (Blogger, Facebook, Disqus, And Spot.IM)
And Any More

Detail Information
Author MKRdezign
Update -
Version 2.0.0
Buy - $21
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Indonesia- Halo sobat BlackSweet, MagOne adalah salah satu template Blogger keren dengan style Newspaper, Magazine dan juga responsif. Anda hanya perlu me-drag dan drop untuk membangun website Blogger dalam hitungan menit.

English- Hello friend BlackSweet, MagOne is one of the cool Blogger templates with Newspaper style, Magazine and also responsive. You only need to drag and drop to build the Blogger website in minutes.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Friendly
Multiple Comment (Blogger, Google+, Disqus, And Facebook)
Widget Sticky
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Tien Nguyen
Update -
Version 6.4.9
Buy - $23
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Safelink Cianboy

Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, khusus edisi kali ini nih abang arul ngeluarin Template edisi khusus pergantian tahun 2018 - 2019 nih.
Sebelumnya, sobat pasti sudah tahu kan? tentang apa itu safelink? Safelink merupakan web yang muncul sebelum kita diarahkan kepada link download. Keuntungan dari memakai safelink ini, antara lain untuk mendapatkan pendapatan lebih dari iklan.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, specifically this edition, bro, is Brother Arul releasing a special edition edition of the 2018 - 2019 edition.
Previously, you must have known, right? What is safelink about? Safelink is a web that appears before we are directed to the download link. The advantages of using safelink, among others, are to get more income from advertising.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Friendly
Responsive Ads
Bootstrap 3
Top Navigation
Footer Navigation
Related Post
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Syahrul
Update 2018/12/18
Version 1.4.5
Buy - Rp. 5.000,-
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, Setelah sebelumnya Mas Sugeng meluncurkan template blogger keren VioMagz, kali ini Mas Sugeng ingin memperkenalkan template terbaru lagi yaitu template toko online blogspot responsive, fast loading, dan tentunya SEO friendly.
Nama template toko online ini dibuat mirip dengan VioMagz, yaitu VioToko karena template ini tercipta dari hasil modifikasi template VioMagz.
Bagi sobat yang ingin membuat toko online sederhana tanpa ribet dengan hanya menggunakan blogspot, template toko online VioToko ini adalah pilihan yang tepat.
Meskipun sebenarnya blogger/blogspot hanya dikhususkan sebagai platform blogging, tapi dengan menggunakan template toko online ini, sobat bisa merubah blog blogspot sobat menjadi sebuah toko online yang keren.
Tapi tentunya template toko online ini memiliki fitur yang lebih terbatas ketimbang platform khusus toko online.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, After the previous Mas Sugeng launched the cool blogger template VioMagz, this time, Sugeng wanted to introduce the newest template, namely responsive blogspot online store template, fast loading, and of course SEO friendly.
The name of this online store template is made similar to VioMagz, namely VioToko because this template was created from the modification of VioMagz's template.
For those of you who want to make a simple online shop without being complicated by only using blogspot, this online store template for Vio Toko is the right choice.
Although actually blogger/blogspot is only devoted as a blogging platform, but by using this online store template, you can change your blogspot blog into a cool online store.
But of course this online store template has more limited features than the special online store platform
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Friendly
Responsive Ads
Top Navigation
Share Button
Footer Navigation
Related Post
Pop-Up Search Form
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Mas Sugeng
Update 2018/04/30
Version 1.4
Buy - Rp. 170.000,-
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, VioMagz versi terbaru yaitu VioMagz versi 2.6 yang baru di update pada tanggal 07 Juli 2018, Sebenar-nya template ini adalah template berbayar seharga 150 ribu rupiah, tapi buatkalian yang ingin mencoba merasakan menggunakan template blogger premium super seo dan enteng ini, admin akan memberikan nya dengan gratis.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, the latest version of VioMagz is VioMagz version 2.6 which was updated on July 7, 2018, actually this template is a paid template worth 150 thousand rupiah, but for those who want to try to feel using this super seo and light blogger premium template, the admin will give it for free.
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Friendly
Responsive Ads
Light Base Color
Top Navigation
Sticky Navigation
Share Button
Footer Navigation
Related Post
Widget Sticky
Pop-Up Search Form
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Mas Sugeng
Update 2018/10/-
Version 2.6.0
Buy - Rp. 170.000,-
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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Safelink Link Nagaku

Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, khusus edisi kali ini nih abang arul ngeluarin Template edisi khusus pergantian tahun 2018 - 2019 nih.
Sebelumnya, sobat pasti sudah tahu kan? tentang apa itu safelink? Safelink merupakan web yang muncul sebelum kita diarahkan kepada link download. Keuntungan dari memakai safelink ini, antara lain untuk mendapatkan pendapatan lebih dari iklan.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, specifically this edition the brother arul has released a special edition template for the 2018 - 2019 edition.
Previously, you must have known, right? What is safelink about? Safelink is a web that appears before we are directed to the download link. The advantages of using safelink, among others, are to get more income from advertising
Responsive Cek
Mobile Friendly Cek
Google Testing Tool Cek
SEO Friendly
Responsive Ads
Top Navigation
And Any More

Detail Information
Author Syahrul
Update 2018/12/18
Version 1.2.0
Live Preview
See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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