Masign Grid

Indonesia - Halo sobat BlackSweet, Pada kesempatan kali ini, lagi-lagi saya akan membagikan template premium design Material, yaitu Masign Grid. Hampir sama seperti template yang saya upload kemarin, perbedaanya tidak jauh, seperti pada bagian navbar.

English - Hello friend BlackSweet, On this occasion, I will again share the Material premium design template, namely Masign Grid. Almost the same as the template I uploaded yesterday, the difference is not far away, as in the Navbar section.
Responsive Cek
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Material Design Effect
Grid Post Homepage
Slide Menu Navigation
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Social Media in Header
Search Box with Effect
Footer 3 Column
Ads Ready
Multi Tabs Sidebar Widget
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Detail Information
Author Rhinokage Rio
Update 2016/05/25
Version -
Buy - Rp. 70.000,-
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See directly with all the features available, both on the homepage and on the posting page.

Lihat langsung dengan semua fitur yang ada, baik di beranda maupun halaman posting.
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